Monday, July 13, 2015

Romantic rule

Large gifts made small Algramyat

When she loved women, it was love then we have, and her boyfriend was the subject of sanctification and worship.

Lover looked at his beloved Vartd Frais and syncope him, it was told the sage, Maalve injury? And he said? Look at the likes of Vanfarag his heart, he moves the body breakthroughs heart, was said to him ... We love our children and our families that do not happen to us, he said that the love of the mind and the spirit of love ...

Friendship some sacrifice, sacrifice and love most, their marriages Vklh sacrifice friendship and love

A doubling of our love of our fear of abuse increased to love

If you complained of the cruelty of young woman, know that his heart in her hands

Jealous of my words when you Ohdia ,,, Vtjbk my words and I Aojbk

Stab the enemy bleed body ,,, and heart-rending stab friend

Aczko for people to wound you the owner *** for Aaalm wound only by the pain

• true love: that love is the only person who can make you miserable

• most beautiful thing in this world: love and bread and freedom

• Neglect kills love, and oblivion bury him

• Love does not kill a limit but attaches between life and death

Love strong Kalmadh digested any food and any words

• In love letters we send it out and other Nmzgaha and most beautiful letters are not we write

• may generate the word love, but it does not die forever word

• Love is not that agonizing for us, but of love

• Do I love you because you are the source of my comfort, but because you love the palms of their source

• owe our lives to love .. and also Bmotna

• likes ..ihb forever

• life like love is not the wisdom of the

• Love is not a hallucination, but a lot of them

• Love makes time goes on and time makes love goes

• Love to perish in something and death that Livni you something

• True love is that you feel it too late

• who loved strongly, I did not like the look of the first difficult to feel the need to love. The most difficult loss of the ability to love.

Difficult loss of the ability to love. Harder to remain a believer losing this ability.

Love is difficult to pity the most difficult starts. Love that lasts pity

Difficult to love turns into friendship. More difficult to love turns into enmity.

Tough love that comes before marriage. The most difficult that love comes after marriage.

Difficult to love more than one person in your life. Harder to collect more than love at one time.